
Environment Research and Technology Development Fund S-13 Development of Coastal Management Method to Realize the Sustainable Coastal SeaEnvironment Research and Technology Development Fund S-13 Development of Coastal Management Method to Realize the Sustainable Coastal Sea

Home » Events » Overview of MEDCOAST 15

Oct 30, 2015

Overview of MEDCOAST 15

The Twelfth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST 15)
October. 6-10,2015
Grifid Bolero Hotel(Varna ,Bulgaria)

Overview of MEDCOAST 15

Representatives from the International EMECS Center attended the Twelfth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (MEDCOAST 15), which was held in Varna, Bulgaria and was sponsored by the Mediterranean Coastal Foundation. The conference featured a presentation by Specially Appointed Professor Ken’ichi Nakagami of Ritsumeikan University on the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund S-13(Development of Coastal Management Method to Realize the Sustainable Coastal Sea) of the Ministry of the Environment, as well as a presentation by the International EMECS Center on the EMECS Conference and other topics. The conference was attended by some 100 persons, almost all of whom were from nations bordering the Mediterranean or Black Sea or other countries in Europe, as well as some from the Middle East and Africa. From Asia, there were three attendees from Japan and two from South Korea.
Following the opening plenary session, there were 16 sessions for oral presentations over the course of four days. The second day also featured a Plenary Panel Discussion and a Poster Session, and the third day featured a cultural trip.
The closing session on the fourth day included announcements regarding the next MEDCOAST conference and EMECS 11 conference. The fifth and final day of the conference featured a technical field trip.


Mediterranean Coastal Foundation


Assessing the sustainability of “Satoumi”and coastal governance: Abstract :

Assessing the sustainability of “Satoumi”and coastal governance: PPT:

the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund S-13 PR poster

EMECS11 PR poster