International Center for Environmental
Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas
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5th EMECS Conference

5th International Conference on The Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas(EMECS2001)
Toward Coastal Zone Management that Ensures Coexistence between People and Nature in the 21st Century
November 19-22. 2001
November 19-21, 2001 Portpia Hotel(Kobe)
November 22, 2001 Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center(Awaji Island)
Ministry of the Environment Hyogo Prefecture, City of Kobe, International Center for the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (International EMECS Center)
EMECS 2001 Executive Committee
Japan Environment Corporation Japan Foundation, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Nippon Foundation, Hyogo Prefecture Fisheries Foundation, ION Group Environment Foundation, Kobe Convention and Visitors Association, Governors and Mayors’ Conference on the Environmental Protection of th e S eto Inla n d S e a, A ssociatio n for the Environmental Conservation of the Seto Inland Sea, Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research, Japanese Society of Environmental Education, Foundation of River and Watershed Environment Management, Tsutomu Nakauchi Foundation, Hyogo Prefecture Environmental Advancement Association.Hyogo Environmental Creation Center Public Corporation
United Nations Environment Programme DTIE International Environmental Technology Center (UNEP), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), United Nations Center for Regional Development, United Nations University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Fisheries Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, National Governors’ Association, Japan Association of City Mayors, National Association of Chairpersons of City Councils, National Association of Chairmen of Town and Village Assemblies, Japan Conference for the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas, Japan Federation of Economic Organizations, Kansai Economic Federation, Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, City Planning Institute of Japan, Coastal Development Institute of Technology, Global Environment Centre Foundation, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, International Association of Earth Environment and Global Citizen, Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies, Japan Marina and Beach Association, Japan Marine Recreation Association, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Japan Marine Surveyors Association, Japan National Park Association, Japan Ocean Industries Association, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography, Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, Japanese Society of Phycology, Japan Society on Water Environment, Japan Weather Association, Marino Forum 21, Maritime Disaster Prevention Center, National Association of Sea Coast, National Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Association, Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center, Organization to Promote Amenities at Seas and Beach Public Service Cooperation, Osaka Bay Area Development Organization, Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Research Institute for Ocean Economics, Research Institute for the Seto Inland Sea, Ship and Ocean Foundation, Waterfront Vitalization and Environment Research Center (Japan) (Includes organizations currently being petitioned for support.)


Overview of the conference




EMECS Conference Abstract